Why is it everyone you see RDMs?

Am I detecting some hypocrisy here? You're complaining that people go out of their way to kill you and prevent you from actually doing anything you need to do, yet, you then spend your time hunting down other players, some of which are likely innocent, just because it makes you happy?

When it first happened it was a shit storm. Lil me at level 1 getting thrown in lobbies with 200+players. Then i didn't realize its ffa style and if youre not passive you're either a mark or the gun. It doesn't always happen that way, and I'm not always trolling lobbies. In GTA no one is innocent. Everyone has the blood of hundreds or more innocents on their hands.

This is seemingly a cycle. Players hunt an innocent player like you, in response you start to hunt other players, even innocents, and then those innocents develop the same mentality as you. That's most likely the reason why all the players are so on edge all the time too.

Alright sure. One moldy Apple spoils them all.

Secondly, you state that there's no fun in playing in a solo session to do whatever you needed to do, yet, all a solo session does is exclude other players who will keep killing you, yet, you complain that you can't do anything you need to do because there's too many players trying to kill you if you join a public session.

The point I'm trying to make is that is the shit that's got me shooting first. Especially if someone is red or has a bounty. I'm not wasting time letting them get close to find out if their friendly. I'll take a route to avoid players by a couple blocks but if someone is where I'm going or comes to me I'm shooting first. N sometimes it's fun to start shit in a lobby. Having 5-10 or sit now up to 30 people All trying to kill each other is crazy fun.

You're contradicting yourself. If you really didn't want to be killed constantly, you would play in a solo session, yet, you claim there's no fun in it, and I assume that fun comes from having other players in the session that you can kill, but if you can kill them, they can kill you.

There's definitely fun in killing other players. I can take my lashes too though. However I'm not gonna sit and let someone kill me non stop. I'll jump to a new lobby and get some kills to make for my deaths plus some. I'm not that guy sitting playing gtao in pubs for hours trolling. The most ive done is like 30 minutes at a time. Maybe 45 including disconnects, ammo runs,calling mors 10-15 times and picking up my cars.

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