Everyone in retail knows that white women use the n-word at the end of each transaction. Definitely not a fabrication.

Growing up in a majority black population and actually being from a mixed family myself, it was weird as fuck going to New England and it being so white and despite acting (thou doth protest too much)like they weren't racist like us southerners, black people were stashed away in low income pockets, segregated from the liberal white New Englanders and all but absent in some parts.

My in laws came down here terrified they were going to get mugged and remarked "I've never seen so many blacks in my life." Lol wtf.

yeah old white bitches say some fucked up shit but what the fuck do you say to holier than thou northerners who seem to think they're less racist simply due to being from a more affluent region? They aren't less racist, they're just classist assholes who have no idea what the south is like beyond shitty media representations.

/r/stupidpol Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com