Everyone should read this article carefully. [Rant]

Nah, correlation may not be causation and there's definitely some biology at work but this comment is telling everyone that you do not understand how socialization works. You cannot tell me that this phenomenon is this widespread and it's "just a few bad apples" when pretty much all LGBTQ media worldwide worships and idolizes body, youth, straight-passing masculinity (paradoxically), and whiteness over everything. So many guys mistake "good" looks for good character, are heavily socialized to commoditize their "community" sexually, and ruin their lives, finances, social lives, and sometimes health in the process.

Arguments like this, while phrased to seem reasonable, only serve to take important discussions off the table and keep us all locked in this fucked up cycle of bitterness and loneliness when they need to be front and center. We need to be talking way more about the blatant and rampant acceptance of racism, age discrimination, and fatphobia all of which are especially prevalent here on Reddit. We also need to be addressing the epidemics of untreated mental health issues from growing up queer, massive drug use, a problematic habit of celebrating bullying as culture (any episode of a certain popular drag show), and everyday incivility and dehumanizing behavior on "the apps" and social media especially as they are wholesale replacing physical venues.

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