Everyone should use a retainer as soon in their restoration journey as they can. Here's why.

A modified taping technique is *really* working for me

A while ago I heard about a technique that involves wrapping a piece of tape tightly around the scar line and then pushing the glans down through it. It's like having a short foreskin with a tight ridged band. I tried it with paper tape like they recommended, but the lack of stretchiness in the tape was an issue. I've since started using sections of kinesiology tape (the kind people use to support their joints while exercising). It took a bit to develop the proper application technique, but I've got it pretty much down pat now.

The biggest advantage to this retaining technique is that you can pee through it. Since the tape is elasticated, you just retract a little if you need to (like nature effing intended) and do your business.

The biggest things to remember when applying the tape are

  1. Don't touch the sticky side of the tape with your fingers.
  2. Apply it as evenly as possible, avoiding wrinkles under the tape, since these constitute weak spots where the tape can start to peel off.

There are tutorials on YouTube on how to apply the tape to knees, shoulders, etc. You just cut appropriately-sized strips and do the same on your wiener.

It's been a great help to me, both physically and psychologically. Yes, there's tape down there, but walking around without feeling my glans rubbing on my underwear and peeling back a little to pee is doing great things for my self esteem.

/r/foreskin_restoration Thread