Why is everyone such a prick to Kevin in Home Alone?

Let us examine why everyone dumps on Kevin...

Mom, Uncle Frank won't let me watch the movie, but the big kids can. Why can't I?

Well, first up, the kid demands an explanation as to everyone else's behavior. Respecting an elder's decision apparently only comes if he agrees.

Kevin, if Uncle Frank says no, then it must be really bad. No, we put the dog in the kennel for the-- (Kevin gets on the bed and starts reading a magazine) Hey hey hey, get off! Kevin, out of the room. "Hang up the phone and make me, why don't ya?"

The kid is asking for it right there.

Then how do I shave in France?

He's a smartass.

Dad, nobody'll let me do anything.

At this point, he's up his dad's ass for no more reason than he didn't get to watch a movie that the older kids got to.

After being told to pick up himself, instead of complying, Kevin announces "look, I didn't burn down the house, I just helped myself to YOUR stuff." (fish hooks)

After being told to pack his suitcase, Kevin responds "pack my suitcase?" Yes, that part is called doing what your parents tell you to. I'm really wondering why this thread wasn't called "why is Kevin such a prick to his parents"?

I don't know how to pack a suitcase. I've never done this once in my whole life.

But he can figure out a glue gun and wreck his dad's new fish hooks? Basically, Kevin's family is calling him on his irresponsible attitude.

I'm not an idiot!

"Oh, really? You're completely helpless! Everyone has to do everything for you."

Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm a lot smaller than you. I don't know how to pack a suitcase. (Enter Linnie)

As you can tell by Kevin's use of logic, he's not an idiot. But it suits him to pretend to be one when he wants to get out of being personally responsible.

Do you know what I should pack?

"Listen, Kevin, what are you so worried about? You know Mom's gonna pack your stuff, anyway. You're what the French call "les incompetents".

Kevin plays stupid so often, a family member actually buys it.

This house is so full of people. It makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone! Did you hear me? I'm living alone! I'm living alone!

Summary thus far, Kevin likes to play dumb when it suits him, when the reality is that he is an intelligent young lad. He's mostly upset that the only person who buys his stupid act is one that doesn't benefit him. His response is that this is everyone else's fault.

Kevin's following interaction with Buzz actually isn't all that bad. Buzz insults him unprovoked, but Kevin accepts this, no backlash, as it is normal in Kevin's view.

Kevin only gets agro when he doesn't get the cheese pizza he wants. After causing a scene and getting sent to his room and told to say goodnight, he responds like a smartass. "goodnight, kevin."

Why do I always get treated like scum?

His mother placates "Oh, I'm sorry. This house is just crazy. We've got all these extra kids running around and my brother-in-law drove in from Ohio today. It's just nuts. (Kate hands Pizza Boy money)"

But, a nice way to put it just wouldn't suffice for Kevin. He had to press the issue to dominate with his emotions.

"KATE: There are 15 people in this house and you're the only one who has to make trouble."

I'm the only one getting dumped on.

" You're the only one acting up. Now get upstairs!"

I am upstairs, dummy!

Which is about the time his mother should have smacked the shit out of him.

Kevin still proceeds to try to dominate with emotion and play the victim

Everyone in this family hates me

His mother has had enough and responds in kind. "Then maybe you should ask Santa for a new family."

I don't want a new family. I don't want any family. Families suck! I don't want to see you again for the rest of my whole life. And I don't want to see anybody else either."

Basically, Kevin is a douche nozzle. Even after his mom says she hopes he doesn't mean that, he sticks to his guns.

/r/movies Thread