Everyone Thinks They Are Middle Class [OC]

You just suck. I guess I'll explain more but that's the main gist. Everyone else understands it just fine but you don't, which I why you suck and you say everyone else does. But it's you. You're also super fucking annoying which makes you suck even more.

Any reasonable person knows what a stacked versus unstacked graph is, except you. If you fill up a graduated cylinder work 500ml of red sand and 500ml of blue sand, you would show up and say "hey the blue sand is at 1000ml so there's 1000ml of blue sand." And you'd be wrong.

The graph in the OP is stacked and so it makes just fine sense. The X axis defined the width in terms of percentage, and the numbers show the cumulative contribution of each group. If one group starts at 20% and ends at 40%, it doesn't mean that group contributed 40% because this is a stacked graph. I won't give away what they group's contribution would be because it would be nice for you to attempt to activate one or two brain cells once in a while.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it