Everyone has tried to move an inanimate object with their mind at least once in their life and those who say they haven’t are lying.

My mom told.me that when she was a girl, her mom took her and her twin to their room, and told them to "sit down and shut up". They sat there for about 20 minutes, then my grandma supposedly lifted a cup (moved her finger up and over) up and carried it across the room. After that, she was drained of all her energy, physically. And I believe my mom. I also believe your mind can do amazing things. From telepathy to telekinesis. And I've been practicing for about 3 years now. Mom told me that she had to clear her mind, along side some other things. Maybe I can achieve it in 10 years, maybe 50. But I believe with all my heart that it's possible.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread