They say "everyone's fighting a battle you don't know about." What's yours?

I got fired for the first time in 2013 from a decent paying job with good hours. At the time I was still barely keeping myself afloat with bills (car, student loans, credit cards, and payday loans). a few days later I went to the e.r. with a small lump I found on my left nut. 10 days later I had to have emergency surgery because it had gotten so out of hand so fast. couldn't walk and was in the hospital a week and got a pic line my last day and 5 weeks of antibiotics everyday and several visits to an infectous disease doctor.

In that time my student loan defaulted. My bank account was overdrawn from the late payday loans and was subsequently closed because I failed to do my unemployment correctly. I couldn't pay my car payment and they wouldn't work with me because my account was negative. Was seeing a guy i was pretty into and he stopped talking to me shortly after the surgery which I shouldn't have let get to me but I was head over heels and I was already spiraling downward. Unfortunately I let myself fall into a dark pit which was completely out of character for me.

I quickly got myself out of it though, but in all the wrong ways. I did my best to put it in the back of my mind and forget about all the financial shit because what could I do about it? I figured out unemployment and used it on my phone bill, gas, and unfortunately drinking. Then my car got repossessed and I got really good at not caring. I was unemployed for nearly two years. lived off unemployment for 6 and donating plasma for the rest as well as my younger brother who paid my phone bill and parents who fed me. I owe them so much more than money for everything they did.

So yeah. I've been employed now since last september and I'm in a much better place. Except all the debt I've ignored. I have no idea where to start. my gap in employment is making it difficult to get back in somewhere I can make significant money but thats just something i have to work on. the main problem is I have no idea where to get started on all this debt that has all gone to collections. No clue. I can't get a bank account. I can't get any loans. I can't get approved for a place to live. I'm trying to figure it all out as it comes and I'm keeping a good attitude but I'm also very good a feigning to family and friends that I'm better of than I am. Also I'm very embarrassed and ashamed of myself if i'm being honest. So that's mine. Mostly my own fault, I know, and I should've tried harder but I didn't. so yeah, that's it.

/r/AskReddit Thread