Everyone's moaning about the Bright Dust while ignoring what could really help solve the problem

I buy stuff as a thank you to devs in ftp games. I don't really care about emotes and stuff.

This isn't a free to play game. On top of that Bungie made it easy to ignore Tess by making the seasonal engrams into NOT seasonal engrams.

Then Bungie realized people who don't need anything out of the old shit engrams would turn it all I to dust and hurt their cash sales. We now have seasonal disappointment engrams.

I put a reminder on my phone to click and redeem them before the end of the season if I'm hard up for 13 shards and some glimmer.

Don't tell me this was done for new players to get old stuff. They don't know the difference between an old silly emote and a new one.

Short version o don't feel inclined to say thank you with a purchase.

I kind of feel bad, if I had bought that weapon ornament last season we might have gotten more than 1 exotic armor piece for two paid content drops. Blame it on me.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread