Everything I’ve done up till now is wrong I don’t know what to do

You are semi, small semi, correct in saying fundamentally the same thing. Programming is programming yes. But every language is different, they all have their own syntax. Python for example is weakly typed, it's a great language for a new programmer. Java/csharp is strongly typed. It matters if your variable is an int, a float, an array, a list etc. C++ is an even lower level language, you have to handle your memory management.

Then you have object oriented programming, procedural programming, functional programmin. Each with their own perks.

That's just language difference. Then you have the way a solution is architected. Design pattern. Paradigms.

When you see a job that says SQL, it's not a programming language. Every program at fundamental language uses data storage. SQL is a database, it's how you query and retrieve your data. It's only one. There are many different types of databases which have very different use cases.

You have web applications Vs installed. You have embedded software. So many different branches of this you wouldn't believe

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