Everytime somebody messes up at a fast food joint, 90% of people say "and they want $15 an hour". People in high paying jobs make mistakes too. Just because they made a mistake doesnt mean they dont deserve a livable wage. Treat people like you want to be treated. Stop being assholes.

When people get messed up orders or bad service they need to think about the ten minutes prior to their arrival. Fast food is a constant churn of humanity and you are just a little 5 to 10 minute slice of that. What sort of fucked up situation was your server/team dealing with before you rolled up? As every redditor knows humanity can really suck at times and there's always a dozen people who roll up to the drive-thru AFTER the /r/publicfreakout video ends. Even if it's not to that level people are just assholes for no reason at times.

This weekend I went into a bagel place that I go to frequently and they were a bit busy, and the woman waiting on us was really pretty curt. No biggie, I was getting my food and I kept thinking about ten minutes prior. Her coworker was helping out with the order and I'd ordered a non-toasted bagel and she started toasting it. Coworker corrected her and said, "no he didn't want it toasted". I overheard this and said, "Hey no big deal - I'll take it toasted, I really don't care." As I was getting my food her mood had changed and she was chatty and nice. Maybe just being a non-asshole for a bit after she'd been dealing with a sea of assholes made the difference....

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread