The Evidence is Enough to Establish that Jesus' Tomb Was Found Empty ~36 Hours After Burial

The evidence I cite is extra-biblical records in addition to biographical records written within living memory by (a) eyewitnesses (such as the first edition to the Gospel of John), or by people who (b) knew eyewitness, or by people who used either (a) or (b) as literary sources.

The records have not been transmitted and translated for centuries., We have manuscripts of the documents they were originally written in, so there is no series of translations happening here. Ad for transmission, the NT is by far the best attested for collection of books in all antiquity. Do you doubt what Caesar said in his Gallic Wars? Because the earliest manuscript we have of that comes 900 years after the original writing. Whereas with the Gospels we have manuscripts within 150 years for all Gospels.

The fact that you have to degrade this post when you make such bad arguments is actually pretty telling.

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