Evil Incarnate EXCEPT both survivors are truly incarnated with evil.

It sounds like the point to me. You're conflating Adept David with Evil Incarnate -- saying that if a person should allow one to be achieved then they should do the same for the other as well. I pointed out why that's a false equivalence.

I never see adept Davids at my MMR. If I did see one I might go a little easier on them, but it's just not something that happens. Everyone who wants to do Adept David in my matches have already done it.

You also seem to be under the impression that I'm saying survivors should throw themselves at Michael as soon as they see the Tombstone in use. That's a disingenuous assumption. Run from the killer, throw pallets, take vaults, do everything you're supposed to, I don't care.

But holding M1 on a generator or hiding in a locker, like the survivors in the video, for the sole purpose of spiting someone who's attempting to do an achievement that is KNOWN to be borderline impossible is, frankly, childish.

I've seen a multitude of clips like this one where the last survivor is hiding in a locker with Michael staring at them. They die if they end up on hook anyway, so there's no reason they shouldn't just take the knife and get it over with. They gain no material advantage from dying on hook. The only difference between dying on hook and dying to the Tombstone is that dying on hook spitefully prevents the killer from getting their achievement — I don't see how you can defend that.

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