Do you give in to Evil Kermit?

Nice use of the tu quoque fallacy there. Clearly everyone lives in a morally consistent universe, and those who are trying to better themselves and (other people) never try to address the issues over which they have the most control, such as what they choose to eat, before tackling such an area of their life where the best efforts they can make to address the cruelty of the manufacture of one of the most empowering technologies they can own is to whine on social media, call their deaf congressmen, and sign little petitions begging the largest companies in the world to spend more money.

From your post history, it looks like you frequently troll and insult people over the internet. You attack people in /r/depression, you call people fat and ugly, (especially girls in pornography), you use racial slurs and encourage suicide ("go neck yourself kebab"), and you otherwise try your best to make other people feel bad.

We are used to trolls in /r/vegan. As we become more visible, we seem to drag more and more of them into every conversation. People like to target us especially because of do-gooder derogation: painting us as hypocritical, sanctimonious, preachy, etc. allows people to disregard our position. Vegans might be right, but they're assholes, so fuck them, right? I'll go eat two steaks tonight, just to show it to those self-righteous pricks!

People who are otherwise good fall into this. It's a defense mechanism for the cognitive dissonance and shame people feel at being told that they're not as good and moral as they think and should change.

But you? You're special. You go out of your way to hurt people. You kick people when they're down. You add insult to injury. And I have to ask... why? What do you get out of hurting people?

I know what I used to get out of it. It felt good. It felt good, shooting people down for their "bullshit." It felt good, telling good christian people to "stop believing in Santa Claus." It felt good, shitting on the weird kid that gesticulates too much when he talks. It felt good, telling one of my best friends going through an emotional breakup that his fresh ex was "totally suicidal." It made me feel better about myself. It made me feel better than other people.

Why? Why did I need to feel this way?

My brother emotionally abused me, called me a dumbass, told me I was a worthless waste of life, and he took the piss out of every proud moment I ever had growing up.

"I got all A's!" "That's nothing." "I did better than you!" "Well you still can't drive yet." "I ran a marathon!" "Well, you didn't win, did you?"

Fuck you, asshole. Most people are familiar with the regular garden-variety sibling rivalry, but this was something else. He aimed to hurt.

And that kind of abuse twisted me into something horrible. I had to feel better than him, and to feel better than everyone else around me. The darker parts of my reasons for becoming atheist, graduating valedictorian, going into STEM, running marathons, and going vegan was so that I could legitimately be "better than everyone else", and I could one-up, gloat, and rub it in their faces, because goddamnit, IT FELT GOOD!

And that made me an asshole. It drove everyone away from me. It drove everyone away from my brother, too, because this was the same coping mechanism he used to get over the shit people were slinging at him for being different, for being on the "wrong side" of our family (long story), and for just being him.

It took me a long time to realize this, and I'll be moving to new job shortly, a new life where I haven't wrecked the relationships I have with everyone else around me because of unresolved multi-generational family trauma. I've resolved to judge less. I've resolved to let people have their little moments of joy. I've resolved to let people who are seeking pity and comfort have it, even if they're totally full of shit.

This meme, this stupid "dank meme" is me, every day. Me, deciding between being nice and trying to help people follow my example, or me, stomping on other people and shouting "I"M BETTER THAN YOU! NYEH N-NYEH N-NYEH NYEH NYEEAAGH!"

I see a bit of myself in you. In a little while, you'll see that no one around you likes you. No one invites you to anything. No one calls you but your mom. You haven't had a relationship in years, if you've even had one yet. You'll regret that you spent the best years of your life attacking people in order to make yourself feel better, if you haven't already. In which case, I advise you to do the same as I have, and actually be a better person. Smile. Be nice. Make other people feel good about themselves. Let them share their personal details. Invite people out to do stuff. Help people when they're down.

Maybe this is just your outlet, and you're actually a nice person in real life. Maybe you have a service job where you have to fake a bubbly, saccharine personality, and this is how you deal with all of the bullshit in your day-to-day life.

Maybe you don't have a dark reason for being an emotional sadist, and you just do it for the lulz. In which case, you're just an asshole, and you deserve all of acid you get thrown at you. .






I know your type. Me writing this isn't even going to faze you. You'll blow it off. You likely won't even read this. If you do, you'll laugh it off. You might even tell me that you didn't read it and write me something like "tl;dr you're a pussy vegan fag. Go blow a bull. Oh wait, you can't you're vegan lololol"

And I don't care. This was cathartic for me. I've already accomplished what I set out to do with this post. I've seen it all and there's nothing you can do to hurt me. By reading it, you only stand to gain.

tl;dr: This represents a real struggle we face. People are trying their best. You're an asshole, and you should try to be a better person.

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