Evil Man Glorified - Not Safe for Bhakts. Good thing the comment section is filled with intelligent Indians speaking truth.

This man is getting so much more hate nowadays. The majority of the People don't bother to read. They go to schools to get an "education" but they don't pay attention to anything. They don't even try to understand their own past and stand up for their own people, but one thing they can do is hopping on and off the BANDWAGON. Shashi Tharoor, the man of questionable personality, comes along and shines light upon SOME of the crimes that not just Churchill but the entire British Raj had committed, and at first, everyone takes their time to absorb this fact like it's NEWS to them, and then lo and behold EVERYONE fucking loses their SHIT. This is what absolute stupidity looks like. The same people who were completely oblivious to this fact just a few moments ago are suddenly enraged, angry at everything Churchill had done. These people in the past didn't even know about this man named "Churchill" but some politician comes along and portrays a man in a bad light and everyone is trying to get at him like animals. Even to this day, some people are uninformed about the atrocities of the British Raj and what they had done. IF ANYTHING they were almost worshiping them, they hear the truth about the crimes and what not and everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

I am NOT saying whatever the British did (or Churchill) was morally right, the Brits just did what they thought was right, they were in a WAR and their main priority was to protect their nation just like anybody else. If you all feel so horrible about the 5-6 million people killed in the famine that was caused because of the war, why isn't their anger about the other crimes of similar magnitude? It is mind boggling, how easily the crowd is manipulated even today.

/r/bakchodi Thread Link - youtube.com