Evocati Removals… This is so fucked up, because prior we were told we would not be removed for inactivity!

As someone who also got this email, I’m not thrilled. I have been testing out for bugs but honestly haven’t really found any thus haven’t reported any. The main issue I get with the evo test flights is 30k’s and game crashing to desktop (which I report).

Honestly though, though I love being evo and helping out where I can, it doesn’t really do much that the PTU patches don’t do a little later on and usually the PTU patch is more stable.

I am annoyed though that they made a big deal of evo’s would be sent emails for select small groups for testing and said if you don’t partake in those you’d be weeded out and removed. Since that was announced, I have never received a single email about evo till this and still actively tried to hunt for bugs on the evo PTU builds.

It’s what it is I guess.

/r/starcitizen Thread Link - i.redd.it