[EVScape] Silenced.

If you break the rules 5 times in a few month period for seriously offensive language, shouldn't your account be banned anyways, no matter if you are content creator or not? Seems like he got off easy here, unbanned in few hours where as a regular player would probably still have to apply few weeks later. Plus the fact that he boasted how he got off easy and a regular player can't do anything about this situation seems complete bullshit. Jagex support isn't the greatest but if someone got manually banned for criticising Jagex in twitter and this was a regular thing, there would be multiple threads on reddit by now boycotting Jagex for shitty behaviour, yet this is the first time I'm hearing on someone getting banned in-game because of a tweet.

I don't see anything groundbreaking here, a player breaks multiple rules and gets banned for it, seems pretty regular behaviour. The timing is odd here, probably someone manually went through the report logs and decided to ban him which isn't something new either, Jagex constantly gives out manual bans for rule breaking.

What I find the most odd in this situation is how EVScape constantly shits on Jagex for doing poor job in Esports section and then has surprise pikachu face when Jagex doesn't want to work with him. That's like going to the grocery store, completely trashing up the place and then getting upset if the store doesn't want to serve you.

I think criticising Jagex is absolutely fine, but it should be consturctive criticism, not just randomly tweeting how awful jagex is at hiring their employees because that achieves nothing but adding fuel to the fire.

In the end though, I completely agree that Jagex has tendency to fuck up sometimes but all of this seems like it's completely blown way out of proportion and I'm more disgusted how everybody jumped on that Jagex hate wagon on yesterday's thread even though they only saw one side of the story.

/r/2007scape Thread Link - youtu.be