Ex boyfriend destroys house because she broke up with him

Not even "casual" racism either. Just straight up "final solution/reinstitute slavery" racism.


I have a colleague who would make racist jokes and I always told him to stop that shit and basically just countered his right wing nonsense. Last week we had another conversation and I did the same. Didn't think much of it.

He calls me two days ago how our last conversation had really had him thinking about what I said (that the left is more about sharing and the right is more about egotistic behavior/individualism) and something apparently finally clicked for him. It was really surprising that that's what finally clicked for him.

He apparently was sitting around his friends and also started realizing how, let's say, they're not all that intelligent.

It's weird. He might actually turn his shit around it seems.

/r/trashy Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it