Ex-Colonies: Heavy breathing

France has never been wronged by England though in the same way the colonies have. They were, as you put it, “rivals”, that doesn’t mean the french were oppressed by the English. Also “without England’s interference”, we were at war with each other jostling for position, you can’t feel sorry for France just because they lost the battle for the number one spot. You can’t make France out to be the victim of some evil colonial British empire, they were doing the exact same thing as us, they were just not as capable so lost.

Also you said that without England’s interference France would have been the most powerful country, so does that mean they should get an apology and reparations? Just because they wanted to conquer Europe and were stopped? That’s not a good enough reason, by that logic we also owe Germany reparations, poor old hitler would have conquered Europe if those meddling kids Britain didn’t declare war.

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