To the ex-Marine in 3/5 who tried to sucker punch me last night.

"If you’ve been out since ‘07, only did 4 years, only fought in one war, was only an 0352, have not kept up with what the Corps is doing, or maintained your soft body..."

I agree we should all be careful calling bullshit on others, but you just sound like a fucking cunt. "Only fought in one war" ? WTF is that even supposed to mean? Like because you got to go to Ganny you think your dick is bigger than those of us who only saw Iraq? "only an 0352" ??? I'd say you were probably a shitbird riding the wave of openings that were left all the good marines getting out in that Era, but prob not too much it you went marsoc, in which case, yep, you're just a cunt.

/r/USMC Thread