Ex-Racists of reddit what event or events changed you?

This was a little over a decade ago. But I think attitudes are slowly shifting, just based on experiences in town, FWIW. I'm 100% sure it's not perfect, and all this is based on my experience alone, and I'm sure that as a white guy, I'm not exposed to a lot of it. But generally, people seem more tolerant (and less tolerant of hate), especially as there's been changes in demographics in the town (I've seen decently sizeable South Asian, Asian, and Middle Eastern communities start to appear in town now). And I know the schools have improved, a lot of the older, shitty teachers who were particularly bigoted have left or were fired, and judging by those those I know who are in the schools or who recently graduated, the students have become much less shitty.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent