This post just screams uninformed and are hurting more than helping.

Berkshire Hathaway stock prices are trading 400K+ You seriously going to tell me we can’t get GME to 500k - 1 million ?

That Berkshire is trading at 400K says nothing about what the GME stock price should be. That information is just garbage sadly.

I promise you all and I pledge that I will not sell below 1million/ share...I do this for all of you not just for me...This is not financial advice do what you will but this is what I plan on doing!

Pledge all you want, but not waiting to only sell over 1 million is delusional. Lets just say that 10 000 000 million shares were sold at 1 000 000, that's 14% of the existing stocks. That would be a redistribution of 1000 trillion US dollars. Which is 500 times the market cap of Apple. Which is the largest company by market cap today... sounds resonable? Not a chance...

If you paper hand I guess that’s why no one will ever remember your name

Everyone don't need their name remembered, but a few hundred thousand in the bank would be nice tho, selling much below the fantasy 1 000 000.

/r/Superstonk Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it