Ex wrote this few months before we ever knew each other, did I ever have a chance?

Another post from this person :

So my parents met when my biological father was on a mission (he was a Mormon missionary) overseas. They fell in love, moved back to the states and had me.

My mother ended up divorcing him when I was two. I would visit him every other week. Once I was around five or six, I began to realize how twisted this man was. He would show me naked photos of woman, was chewing gum once and told me to get it out of his mouth with my mouth when I was seven, would make me call his girlfriends my mom, didn’t pay child support, told me my mom would die from her diabetes soon (she takes great care of herself), has had six wives and would email me video collages of my face with him singing in the background.

He got married so frequently that I couldn’t keep up. He would then cuddle me and divorce these women because they were jealous of his relationship with me. Now that I think back, they were probably creeped out by him.

When I was 11, my mother, awesome step dad and I moved to a different state and I decided to cut off all contact with my biological father. He then found our information through a private investigator and would call our house phone and tell me that he created me and I owe him and to stop being an ungrateful bitch.

Once I turned sixteen, he started asking me about my sex life and how he was jealous of the men I was with. When I was 17, I graduated highschool and he showed up when I told him not to and stared at my tits throughout our entire conversation. He was so obsessed with himself that he became obsessed with me.

The last conversation we had was when I was 18 and I told him that he’s s piece of shit and I don’t care if he dies and I will never go to his funeral. He deserves nothing from me and I DONT GIVE A FUCK if he is my “father”. He’s nothing but a stranger to me. You know what, I’m saying it. FUCK YOU MISCHA!!!!

I am now in my twenties, I’m happy, in love and have a good job. I did it without you. I made it with my loving mom and step father. No matter how much you thought I needed you, I didn’t. Never did and never will. I wish you knew how crazy you were. Also, you lied to everyone about touching me, crushing on me and gas lighted me. Rot in hell you fuck.

TLDR: my biological dad is a piece of shit and I’ve never been able to talk about my feelings towards him to anyone because they don’t believe me.

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