Exactly What You'd Find If You Visit Places Like Brisbane, Austrailia

I still remember I was travelling and found myself in a shitty mall in Brisbane - I was using one of the computers in it and this lady with her top riding high and swaying with a bottle of glue said I was on her website (I was using facebook) and sat next to me. Glue smelt strong as foook and she wouldn't leave me alone. I made a compromise, if she left me alone for 5 minutes she could use the rest of my time. I hope she's doing better now.

Some of Australia is weird - on the bus to Brisbane some lady offered me a blowjob if I brought her a drink (just a regular non alcoholic drink). I said no, but I was eating ritz crackers out of the box and she asked if she could have some. Of course. And that's when I saw her wart hand reach in and grab some. I mean I still ate the rest of the box - I was poor.

/r/ContagiousLaughter Thread Link - v.redd.it