Excellent perspective on the unite matchmaking system compared to LoL

At least have a catch-up system. A reset is necessary for games that have leaderboards because camping, but some games like Hearthstone have a system where if you ended on say, Legend (Master equivalent) then when the reset happens, you have a hidden boost. Every win nets you stars that go towards ranking up as if you won x amount of games instead, so you skyrocket back to Legend immediately if you indeed deserve to be there.

You are basically warped back to players that you played before the rest and it's back to battling to be #1 again. I'm fine with a reset to Vet, but give us Legend players (especially 2k+) a bunch of Performance Points or something so we can get out of the hellhole that is actual Vet/Ultra.

Even if I get games where I steamroll them, it's not fun. I like my games being nail-biting close brawls, not shitting on newer players. That was fun back in CoD while in high school back in 2004 but I want to better myself in games these days.

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