Do you think excessive psychedelic use makes you detached from society?

What you said about being egotistical and thinking you’re enlightened is certainly recognisable in some individuals. There’s a lot of people out there, especially in the psychedelic YouTube community (in my opinion) who have done a lot of psychedelics yet are so obviously missing the point. They make endless streams of videos about psychedelics and spiritual experiences yet many of them seem intent on making it all about themselves instead of the topic at hand. “Dakotawint” and “Koi Fresco” come to mind as prime examples. Even PsychedSubstance on occasions. I’m not saying they’re bad people, they’re probably really awesome in person, but to me (in their videos) they really come off as rather vain and self-absorbed, which surely is opposite of the message many of us receive during psychedelic experiences. I refer to it the “spiritual ego” and I’ve certainly been guilty of that myself in the past.

But hey, having said all that, I’m not perfect. And I may be entirely wrong about those guys. It could just be my own warped perception. If so, disregard my input :-)

/r/Drugs Thread