[Exchange with /r/Polska] Witajcie, bracia Polacy! - ¡Bienvenidos hermanos polacos!

  1. Noodles with tomato sauce

2.This maybe

  1. Cumbia, reggaeton, Argentine rock (widely admired throughout the region) Tango is slowly dying away. Argentine music that I like: 123

  2. Locro, asado(Argentine grilled meat), humita. The best empanadas are the ones from Tucumán province.

  3. It's the country where the ancestral home of a branch of my family is located (back when it belonged to Germany). It's where Copernicus and Chopin were born.

  4. Buenos Aires, Iguazu falls, the Andes, with Mt. Aconcagua, the tallest mountain outside of Asia, the Sierras de Córdoba, Ushuaia (the southernmost city in the world-never mind what the Chileans say)

  5. I am learning German. I had two years of it in secondary school. I also learned Latin there.

  6. I have a PC. I play many Paradox games (Hearts of Iron, EU4, Victoria, Cities Skylines). Also, Civilization, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock. I haven't played it yet, but they say this Argentine game is very good.

  7. We have a crazy ironic post-mortem cult centered upon Ricardo Fort, an Argentine socialite who has made famous catchphrases such as "basta, chicos" and maiameeeee. He is referred to as "El comandante" (The commander).

  8. Structural unemployment (plus our jobs are likely to be automatized unless we do something about it), structural inflation (30% per year on average for the last ten years), structural poverty (30% of the population is poor)

  9. Snacks: Alfajor, Mantecol, nugaton, etc. Beverages: mate (the national infusion). Alcoholic beverages: wine, fernet (usually with coca-cola)

  10. Probably arriving late all the time

14: Uruguay is so similar to us we like to think it as another of our provinces. Brazil is our great football rival but our biggest trading partner. Chile is another rival (we almost went to war in 1978). We joke that they are impossible to understand when they talk. Paraguay is a country we totally obliterated in a war 150 years ago. We sometimes mock Bolivia for being landlocked.

  1. Jorge Rafael Videla

  2. No. There is an overrepresentation of young people with higher education (often IT-related) and knowledge of English.

  3. Probably that we embarass the country abroad. There's a myth that Argentines steal lightbulbs from hotels. Jokes about Argentines from people of other countries are about how narcissistic/self centered we are.

  4. I am not religious. Most people are Catholic on paper but they don't practice the religion strictly. Life is pretty secularised.

  5. No. There is a lot of crime in Buenos Aires.

  6. Jorge Luis Borges (El Aleph, Historia Universal de la Infamia), Julio Cortázar (Rayuela, Final de Juego), Ernesto Sábato (El túnel, Sobre héroes y tumbas)

  7. There is truth in that a big part of the population has Italian immigrant ancestors. Many of them are Southern Italian. Our Spanish is very influenced by the Italian way of speaking, which was incorporated into our accent. Also many slang words (lunfardo) are influenced by Italian.

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