Excluding Eurasian communities from Asia (like Spanish-Filipinos, Macanese, and Kristangs) on this subreddit is gate-keeping.

Ive posted pics of my family on here plenty of times and its always “yall look white” I dont think i pass as white. I definitely look more Asian but some of my family looks white.

You can check on 23andme’s subreddit. There are like 5-10 Filipinos on there with more than 10% European and they dont mention being half American or whatever. We exist but we’re more common in the Philippines than abroad.

Let me tell half my family that they dont exist. And your partially correct- i have 1 ancestor who came to the Philippines after it was no longer a Spanish colony. One of my great grandfathers was born in Spain and came while the Philippines was an American territory. So that wasnt during Spanish colonization. The other 3 great grandparents on my mom’s side were born in the Philippines but from Spanish mestizo families.

/r/hapas Thread Parent