Excluding my mom, what's the worst sex you've ever had?

I'm sure this will get lost in the shuffle but here goes.

I met a girl in creative writing class in college and we became great friends. She was engaged to be married and we never messed around at all until one night she had an argument with her fiancee and she came over to my place.

I knew that she had only been with her fiancee and she was a tiny woman, maybe barely 5'. We started messing around and she asked me to have sex with her after a few minutes she asked me to stop because something was wrong so I did. A couple minutes later she said that it was wetter than normal and something wasn't right so I went and turned on the lights. She was bleeding profusely from her lady bits, more blood than I've ever seen so I ran and grabbed towels to block the bleeding.

Did I mention that she was epileptic? A few minutes later she starts having a seizure in my bed while bleeding from the cooch. Fortunately I knew she was epileptic and somewhat knew what to do. This all occurred at about 2 am and I had to bring her to the hospital. She ended up getting 5 stitches on the inside of her vagina.

And that's the worst sex story I have.

/r/AskReddit Thread