Excuse me?

Hey thats me lol.

This was posted in Unpopular Opinions BTW. For context.

You could've posted the entire thing.

I think most people are overworked and underpaid. I was for a lot of my life. I was fortunate to work my way up and things got better. I believe in free post secondary for life, as many times as you want and universal health care and universal basic income.

But I think some jobs need to be filled by people who don't take 5+ weeks off a year. Like elected officials for example. The people who elected the officials need that member to work on their behalf. Not golfing 100+ days a year.

I used one example of myself. People really hated that I earned my way up from poverty and had lots off time off and I didn't like that much time off.

Despite it being an unpopular opinion, I gained no upvotes :(

/r/antiwork Thread Link - i.redd.it