Exotic Concept: Dual Hand Cannons (that's right, you can equip TWO exotic weapons with this)


While this is a cool concept, I feel like it's kinda similar to Sturm/Drang. An easy fix would be either a simple feature to allow dual wielding, it will also help use Sturm and Drang together and better (pay off being hipfire though, ADS button used as left gun firing)

It's also similar to Lucky Pants issue, while yes having dual Handcannons is not a bad idea, but there wouldn't particularly be any use if a special weapon can't be used. Hence, why Lucky Pants aren't used as much, even amongst extreme handcannon lovers. You can switch to a special, and still have handcannon for fun.

^ All of that is my opinion.

Note: 2 exotic weapons can't be equiped, one must be a legendary.

Note 2: Both Handcannons would benefit with autoloading holster over the use of Lucky Pants. Lucky Pants is.. unnecessarily over the top on top of the 2 Handcannons. Both would have good draw times already, and Lucky Pants only adds extra targeting. Something that targeting mods already can handle amongst handcannon lovers, the exotic is already designed for.

You can, however, have dual weapons... for a single weapon slot. This would be similar to situation of Cerberus+1 and Redrix's Broadsword and maybe Lord of Wolves (a few more, but these are example). Under specific conditions or toggle, each of these guns act differently than their archetype, Cerberus+1 essentially turns into a rapid-fire shotgun over shotgun-firing auto-rifle.

That then leads to Sturm/Drang dilemma. Meaning, a weapon must not be too unique in each of their purpose in order to avoid dual-wielding. In this sense, you can make an exotic weapon in 2 methods:

RDR2 Style: Dual, ying/yang type dual wielder Handcannons. Similar to what Dutch had.

James Bond Style: Dual wielded side-arms. Ideally, it brings more diversity, and could feel rather.. cool.

/r/DestinyJournals Thread