Expand the EUCS

It's a cricle scheme here, but imo exand CS or LCS will in short terms make the competition more fierce, but wouldn't resolve much more. Give more weight to local scene, create a more viable ecosystem to those, and local sponsors will also back your investments up, helping grow sustainable infrastructure that'll raise coach, players and make the larger scale more consistent. My 2 cts.

Ultimate the benefit is more exposure. The main difficulty players have of getting into pro teams is that mostly the teams that do replace players with 'new talent' are the not-so-good teams.

Let's take for example Reje, who's a pretty decent young player, but was given 4 games on a bad team (Vitality) which had been failing all season. He did decently but nothing special.

But will struggle to find another team because last split Tricked (the team he was on) got unlucky and had to play against Fnatic Academy (the one that qualified for LCS) in the Qualifiers and so never got into CS.

Now I'm just using Reje as an example, I don't particular think he's an amazing player or anything but the guy essentially lost a year of being able to prove himself.

Whereas if we had more CS teams than players who are potentially good enough to getting into LCS, or are already good enough but teams don't know that or aren't willing to risk everything on a new player.

There are plenty of players in EU who are on that level of being good enough for CS but without CS level teams because of the limited space...this is me even completing ignoring the fact that in NACS and NALCS there are 11 European players overall.

We could easily, even without the EU players in NA, double the size of the CS and still keep it competitive.

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