Expect a big drop on Monday to coincide with the drama and fud.

It's not about getting us to sell pre-MOASS. There's two games at play here:

1) Long-term psychological warfare. They want to fatigue and demoralize retail as much as possible, so when this does take off, people jump off early. DTCC has T+35 to close positions once the Mother Of All Liquidations begins. Imagine the price taking off to 10k, then farting back down to 160 for over a month. An entire month of shill spam about the squeeze being squooze, bag holders, etc. They do NOT want a unified community to counter this. Every single share sold at this point is a massive win.

2) Shift focus to other stocks/coins to relax continued buying pressure. I expect movie stock to take off again this week while GME dips. They want paychecks going over there where they can pump and dump it, and prevent paychecks from going into GME. Even if no one sells GME, it's still reducing retail's potential position.

Regardless, plan doesn't change. Buy and hodl. I'm zen through all of this - the rocket will take off no matter what. There's just too much momentum now, they can't possibly shake us below 100% of the float. No one here is thinking about selling because of this nonsense. It's just who is going to pass the test and make it to the moon, and who's going to paper and miss out.

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