Do you expect there to be “The Event,” a catalyst occurrence which precipitates apocalyptic change, if so what might you anticipate? If not, how do you imagine the cascade to manifest?

It will start with coastal flooding becoming more frequent as seas rise and less extreme events will cause salt water inundation. Properties will become uninsurable and be progressively abandoned. Hurricanes and wild storms more frequent sending the cost of rebuilding destroyed infrastructure skyrocketing. Many structures will be abandoned after they are hit multiple times and repeatedly destroyed/damaged/flooded.

Wildfires and droughts will see rural areas abandoned as people retreat to the cities.

Food production will become harder. Prices of basic commodities will rise.

Things will get worse over time and as technology and grids start to fail we may see wide scale power outages covering extensive parts of many countries. We will see an increase in civil unrest and large numbers of people particularly in the third world will start to die from heat stress, dehydration, starvation and war.

/r/collapse Thread