Expelled college students of Reddit, why are you expelled?

Got academic probation for technically failing all of my courses from not being able to take my finals due to being assaulted by a drunk person and then wrongfully jailed for 3 days because when I defended myself the drunk person stumbled and got knocked unconscious. I came back to school the next semester with high hopes, as my grades before not taking my finals were A's and B's, I needed to get no worse than a B in order to bring my GPA back up to 2.0 so I could then in turn get the financial aide that I was 100% dependent on, on the flip side; failing meant expulsion from the campus, as they had a rule that you could not have a GPA lower than X for more than Y semesters and since I could only afford to pay for one class at a time I had no room for error. I enrolled in a coding class, as all other courses I needed were math or science and I wanted to play it smart by taking the "easier" course. I ended up getting stuck with a professor that was brand spanking new to teaching, this class being the very first that she had ever taught (she let that one slip on the first day; usually professors have to go through a period of time in which they are supervised as TA's or some shit before becoming a professor and standing in front of lecture halls, but she had never done so[?]). To top it off, she barely spoke English! She spent hours in front of the class sputtering in broken Farsi and being frustrated that "the class doesn't pay attention!".

I knew I had my work cut out for me, so I decided I had to bite the bullet and attempt to learn from the materials provided in the course, as the professor would be no help. We began the class by learning about basic stuff that you might learn in pseudocoding or a similar course, and repeated the exact same problem in class and for homework for 4 weeks straight, adding literally nothing each time we did it. She got tired of trying to find out where she should actually start and told us one day "I don't know or care where you are at coding now, THIS is what we are doing today and if you don't get it then don't ask for help" and threw a problem on the board to which the entire class immediately responded by asking her to teach the material required to do said problem. She refused - "you should know it already!". That week we took our second test, and were given the warning that this test was going to be worth double points and be twice as big as "normal" tests because she was upset with how little we had covered up to this point. There would be no way of getting above a "C" overall if you failed this test. The following Monday, I drag my ass to class to see the damage and 2/3 of class didn't even show up; they all dropped due to not knowing anything that was on the prior test. I got my test back and was forced to drop as well.

/r/AskReddit Thread