Experience: tokophobia and booking a maternal request c-section in the UK (NHS)

Thank you for this! I’m currently going through the same process at the moment so good to hear others experiences. I’m at 26 weeks and was told they wouldn’t book the c section until 36 weeks so it’s interesting to know that they did yours earlier. I have very similar reasons for choosing it and it would really help my anxiety

In case it helps anyone else reading- I did go to the Birth Choices clinic but mainly as a box ticking exercise so I could tell the consultant I’d done everything to inform myself. I actually did find it helpful- not to change my mind but to learn a bit more about birth in the absolute worst case that I go into labour early and can’t have the c section. It didn’t change my mind at all but it did make me feel better to have a chance to get everything off my chest- in earlier appointments I feel they’ve only asked shallow questions about why I want the c section (not in a dismissive way, but more “well it’s ultimately your choice so you don’t need to justify your reasons too much” way).

They also have me a document with information about the risks. I think they screwed up a bit here because it’s aimed at women choosing between VBAC and c section and in that scenario they clearly want to convince people to go with the c section. So it’s actually firmed my decision to go for a c section.

/r/BabyBumps Thread