Experiencing some turbulence during my saturn return and asked for some clarity.

Any second opinions welcome! But here is my interpretation.

I’m in the middle of my Saturn return and feeling mostly sad, lost, and uncertain.

I just left a prestigious career that gave me an overindulgence of external and material validation. I left because I was feeling empty and drained. The job was slowly eating away at my mental and physical health so I knew I had to leave.

I know that leaving the career was the right thing to do but I’m not feeling as empowered as I was hoping to feel. I had high expectations for my Saturn return (maybe unrealistically high) and I’m worried that I’m moving in the wrong direction.

Seeing the upright star gave me the hope and reassurance I needed though. I think it’s interesting that the star was the only upright card in this spread. There are cups in all of these images but the last card is the only card that feels like a cup half full (rather than half empty).

I think my deck is telling me to fill my own cup. To find internal (rather than external) validation.

What do you think?

/r/tarot Thread Link - i.redd.it