Explain toxicity in MOBA games like you are narrating a National Geographic Nature Documentary

The MOBA is an incredible and unique ecosystem, filled with a variety of organisms that vary from game to game. Here we focus on League of Legends, a popular gathering site for some of the world's most graceful beardnecks and no-lifes. They spend hours upon hours pressing the keys, working tirelessly to prove their worth as viable players in the community. Like most MOBAs, this community has arranged an extraordinary class system, separated into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Challenger. Challenger is the ultimate goal for every player, and each of the six lower levels contains five sublevels, ranging from numbers 1 through 5, with 1 being the highest. Players move from rank to rank by playing against each other in teams of five. The victors move up, while the failures move down. For most, it is all in good sport, as the ranking system is merely for show. But for some, it takes on a bit more serious meaning.

Among the most puzzling of these creatures is the "toxic know-it-all," who exhibits strange and irrational behavior during play. While it is uncertain how this species came to be, toxic know-it-alls are among the least desirable teammates, though this is not always due to a lack of skill. In fact, some of these beasts are among the most skillful players in the game, but their inability to work with the team has put them at the bottom levels of their community. Every mistake made by a toxic know-it-all is quickly backed up by an excuse, the most common being "lag" or "ping." Mistakes made by others, however, are perceived by the know-it-all as sheer stupidity. The know-it-all will then attempt to take the role of leadership upon itself, much to the dismay of its teammates. Usually, the teammates choose not to listen to the know-it-all, which only serves to aggravate it further. It begins throwing random insults at the other players, even threatening their mothers with sexual harassment. This act is known as "flaming," and the community perceives it as toxic behavior. The teammates report the know-it-all post game. While he doesn't always take this threat seriously, there could be severe consequences.

But even more puzzling than the beast itself is its tendency to influence the behavior of others. While the word "toxic" in its name is a reference to its undesirable behavior, it also references the spreading of its behavior. One toxic know-it-all will soon influence another of its fellow players enough that it too becomes a toxic know-it-all, and before long, there is a small community of toxic know-it-alls mingling with the larger, peaceful community. Attempts are made to stop this cancerous infection, but even with strict punishment and restraints, the behavior always seems to return, fresh and toxic as ever.

/r/explainlikeIAmA Thread