Exploration vessel - Diamondback vs. Asp (Explorers)

Since you only have around 17 mil I'd go with the aspx try this build. { "$schema": "http://cdn.coriolis.io/schemas/ship-loadout/3.json#", "name": "Aspx", "ship": "Asp Explorer", "references": [ { "name": "Coriolis.io", "url": "https://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/0pjtjFjljdjsof5------0202--32v40l02432f2i.Iw18WQ==.Aw18WQ==?bn=Aspx", "code": "0pjtjFjljdjsof5------0202--32v40l02432f2i.Iw18WQ==.Aw18WQ==", "shipId": "asp" } ], "components": { "standard": { "bulkheads": "Lightweight Alloy", "cargoHatch": { "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "powerPlant": { "class": 5, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "thrusters": { "class": 5, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "frameShiftDrive": { "class": 5, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "lifeSupport": { "class": 4, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "powerDistributor": { "class": 4, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "sensors": { "class": 5, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 }, "fuelTank": { "class": 5, "rating": "C", "enabled": true, "priority": 1 } }, "hardpoints": [ null, null, null, null, null, null ], "utility": [ { "class": 0, "rating": "I", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Countermeasure", "name": "Heat Sink Launcher" }, { "class": 0, "rating": "I", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Countermeasure", "name": "Heat Sink Launcher" }, null, null ], "internal": [ { "class": 4, "rating": "A", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Fuel Scoop" }, { "class": 4, "rating": "G", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Planetary Vehicle Hangar" }, { "class": 3, "rating": "D", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Auto Field-Maintenance Unit" }, { "class": 3, "rating": "E", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Cargo Rack" }, { "class": 3, "rating": "D", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Shield Generator" }, { "class": 1, "rating": "C", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Scanner", "name": "Advanced Discovery Scanner" }, { "class": 1, "rating": "C", "enabled": true, "priority": 1, "group": "Scanner", "name": "Detailed Surface Scanner" } ] }, "stats": { "class": 2, "hullCost": 6135660, "speed": 250, "boost": 340, "boostEnergy": 14, "agility": 6, "baseShieldStrength": 140, "baseArmour": 378, "hullMass": 280, "masslock": 11, "pipSpeed": 0.13, "moduleCostMultiplier": 1, "fuelCapacity": 32, "cargoCapacity": 8, "ladenMass": 437.9, "armourAdded": 0, "armourMultiplier": 1, "shieldMultiplier": 1, "totalCost": 11354250, "unladenMass": 397.9, "totalDps": 0, "armour": 378, "powerAvailable": 13.6, "powerRetracted": 10.97, "powerDeployed": 10.97, "unladenRange": 14.32, "fullTankRange": 13.36, "ladenRange": 13.12, "unladenFastestRange": 136.51, "ladenFastestRange": 133.93, "maxJumpCount": 10, "shieldStrength": 71.45, "topSpeed": 253.99, "topBoost": 345.42 } }

/r/eliteoutfitters Thread