
Jeez I like learned English in one and a half year and can still write infinitely better than you, holy shit when did you learn to write? At 18? I wonder why that "doctor" would settle down with the dumbest whore ever. He either has a bimbo fetish or you're just a side chick. You're probably from Alabama or some other white trash state that's also infested with niggers.

I know your a hairy little Asian girl with a monobrow who lacks friends

So are we stereotyping now? I thought that you aren't racist. And again I'm like the least hairy person and all my friends are and still shave regularly, honestly the stinkiest people were white trash, niggers and Indians, east Asians take hygiene seriously. You're probably insecure about your own so you keep saying that. Come on is that all you got? We're hairy? How fucking distasteful is that. At least we're not a bunch of savages that has done close to nothing for humanity over thousands of years and keep living on others.

It's just an eye opener into the lives of young Asian women .. pathetic stay housewives

You must be living in the 30s, young Asian women are not stay at home wives, only the ones on their 50s are. We broke the tradition a while ago. Of course you wouldnt know you're not the brightest person.

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