Extra Life’s connection to Applied Behavior Analysis (and how Rooster Teeth might be supporting it)

How Rooster Teeth may be involved -

The hospital that Rooster Teeth supports in Extra Life, the Dell Children’s Medical Center, is unfortunately among those that supports or even makes use of applied behavior analysis for autistic children.

Additionally, the money for the hospital may be used to build a facility that, while supporting important specialties such as cardiology, also supports neurology and other functions that may inevitably go hand-in-hand with the use of ABA. Even if the donations somehow don’t amplify the use of ABA, the attention given to Extra Life will almost certainly have that effect for other hospitals, impacting countless autistic individuals needlessly.

A great majority of hospitals offer ABA in some way, and I doubt Rooster Teeth knew about the full implications of Extra Life beforehand. The positive impacts that Extra Life has should also not be discounted or negated. However, it’s better to be aware that there are indeed unintended consequences and what their effects may be.

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