Extracting a region 3 blu-ray in the U.S.

Region code

FREE/ 0 Informal term meaning "worldwide". Region 0 is not an official setting; discs that bear the region 0 symbol either have no flag set or have regions 1–6 flags set. Region 0 is commonly referred to as "Region Free", especially when talking about DVD and Blu-ray Disc players. But the formats of NTSC and PAL can be a factor in this.

1 United States, Canada, U.S. territories, Bermuda 2 Europe (except Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), Egypt, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Greenland, French Guiana 3 Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau 4 Latin America (except French Guiana), New Zealand, Australia, Caribbean, Oceania 5 South Asia, Afghanistan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Africa (except Egypt, South Africa), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea 6 Mainland China 7 Reserved for future use, MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia 8 International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc. 9 These region discs have all eight flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any location, on any player.

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