Extremely disappointed

(I'm the president and founder of the Clojurists Together Foundation. My company is one of its sponsors.)

I could talk about how you've ostensibly misunderstood what that clause says and how it works out in practice and how ultimately voting members decide who goes on the board (and that is the control that puts the best person for the job there), or how your selective quotes elide important parts of the sentences you're quoting, but others have done that more eloquently already.

Instead, a personal note: your comment about showing "a little gratitude" apparently does not extend to the work volunteers (it me) and money sponsors put in (also me). Other people's time, other people's money, going to a ton of incredibly important Clojure projects, benefiting everyone, including you. No, what we do is a "metastasizing", a "cancer", something that causes immense suffering and is worthy of eradication. I wish I could say I was disappointed but I've gotten explicit death threats for volunteer work before, so :shrug:

I'd comment on:
> What evidence is there that unless a distribution based on arbitrary attributes is proportional, that this automatically means discrimination?

... but honestly I have a hard time believing the anonymous account made yesterday posting this same old rehashed argument is going to examine that evidence in good faith, and I have work to do and don't owe you my time. If you really are interested, that should be easy enough to find for yourself. ("Concert auditions", "blind", "heels" are a good place to start, because it's a very clean example with clear outcomes.)

/r/Clojure Thread