I get extremely insecure when I am around prettier girls

I'll just say it. Being pretty sucks. It's all I've ever known. My parents treated me like all I needed to do in life is get by with my looks. And, ta ha, looks aren't everything. So many people either think I'm stupid, or they hate me because they're jealous. Also, bonus, I get hit on by creepy guys, A LOT. I'm sorry that you're insecure but being pretty isn't great. It really isn't. I'm glad I'm kind of older now and don't look half as pretty anymore. Natural blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, small nose and high cheek bones suck! To top it off, I'm short, which I actually hate because it makes me feel vulnerable. I would give anything to be a tall, plain Jane.

/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide Thread