Eye contact?

I always have to comment on the eye contact issue! I can’t with it. I have a difficult time (putting it lightly) making and keeping normal eye contact. It feels wrong and like a challenge of who’s dominant and stronger, never me. I’ll quickly look at people and move my gaze so I don’t appear odd not making any eye contact, but even that’s difficult.

I’ve tried the tricks, like looking at the triangle area, and none have worked; some make me look even more sketchy than just avoiding it. People have been taught not to trust those who have trouble making eye contact, but I find it to be the opposite generally, those who will keep eye contact for a long time and not be uncomfortable are the ones to be concerned about. I’ve read they want to maintain the contact to see the reactions to their lies; makes sense as my dad did this.

The other day I caught myself looking at the ground again to avoid looking at people, and actively told myself to look at the next few people passing by, at least quickly. The first one I did this with my heart was racing, I started shaking, and instantly lost the ability to walk apparently because I was put-off by the contact and stumbled; then felt embarrassed, with them looking at me…I’m still embarrassed. I will try again, but it seems worse and worse every time.

I’m this way even intimately. I don’t want direct eye contact; especially prolonged eye contact! Noooooo!

/r/ptsd Thread