Eye for an eye: Iran blinds acid attacker. Medics gouge out man’s eye in first known case where retribution ruling has been carried out, amid condemnation from human rights groups

I know I will be down voted; but I can't feel sorry for the attacker in anyway shape or form, nor do I fault Iran. They threw acid on a person's face, and this is the consequence as depicted by the law of Iran. I am sorry but truthfully just stuffing somebody in jail doesn't deter a lot of people.

Jail to some damaged people is nothing more than a time out. Furthermore I have said this before, stuffing jails with the worse possible offenders of society doesn't create an environment of punishment or rehabilitation, it becomes a monster creation factory. Just check out the number of violent gangs in prisons. They carry out murders the same way, they rape the same way, they continue to sell contraband the same way.

Yes I am all about being ethical, but there is nothing ethical about putting a person in a cell, feeding them and keeping them alive while the person they have destroyed must suffer through life. The acid attacker deemed their actions and the consequences were worth the price. Matter of fact there is a story on the front page right now.


This man attempted to kidnap a twelve year old little girl while out on bail! That is how little the punishment of jail meant to him. Yes you can give all the egalitarian speeches you want; but if not for the courage of her brother he would have raped her. What do you believe the rest of that child's life would be like after the trauma of that experience? And what is the answer we in our civilized lives have, put him back in jail? He has shown you that even after bars, being around rapist and murders, having his movement restricted, given the first opportunity he would rape another child.

We live with the acts of our governments brutality to keep our way of life everyday. What Iran is doing may seem radical, but part of me does not fault them for doing it. I mean some of these stories are so absurd you would think they were written by a comic book house. How many times will we watch a person come out on bail, or parole, go right back to the violence that got them put in prison in the first place. The only difference being the newly fresh lives and bodies they have destroyed, replacing the memory of their old victims. This isn't batman and joker, just go look up Suge Knight the man is rich beyond his dreams, and has been in an revolving door of prison cause jail means nothing to him. What has been his latest antics you may ask, he ran over somebody with his car, then backed up and hit them again. Do you think he would be so flippant about murder if he though he himself would be crippled or killed for his actions?

Now I am sorry for the length, and yes I know the stories of the death penalty makes criminals even more desperate and prone to violence. But what we never hear is how many of those other criminals it deters when they know they will die, and it will not be comfortable.

/r/news Thread Link - theguardian.com