f - My mom just asked me why my car was parked in the church parking lot for two hours after school yesterday.

I used to have Life360 on my phone until my account was ‘hacked’ (it really was just someone using my old phone number, essentially taking over my account). I’ve heard from others to either turn on airplane mode or toy with the settings. There was a specific thing that they said to disable, though unfortunately I don’t remember what it was. Not sure if any of these methods work, as I haven’t had Life360 for a few months now. Life360 is arguably better than the stupid fucking built-in iPhone tracker shit though. My parents can monitor me at any time given and I wouldn’t know. I got caught ditching work while they were on a trip one time and had to come up with a dumb excuse lmfao.

/r/MakeNewFriendsHere Thread