I [F/27] bluntly told our neighbor [F/24] that we will not arrange our schedule around her baby. My husband [M/27] wants me to smooth things over, I don’t want to give in.

Oh hell no, I had a nightmare neighbor who could smell our laundry while it was in the drier, and it tickled her nose (her words, not mine). She would knock on our door every time we had clothes in the drier and ask us to stop it. She had maintenance come into our apartment several times when we weren't home to look into the problem. My husband would come home from work while I was home doing laundry and run upstairs and stop the fucking drier. I about lost my mind and my husband. I finally lost my shit on her one day, and she stopped knocking. I kept the husband, but he definitely did not agree with me. When I say I lost my shit, I went left on her. I completely flipped out, so I'm kindof the crazy neighbor, too. I'm equally proud and ashamed of that moment.

/r/relationships Thread