F/28/5’6” [275lbs > 165lbs = 110lbs] Old me would never even think about signing up for a lifting competition. I do my first one next month.

Wow you look great. I want to gain muscleeeeeee. I’ve been in the gym for about a month since I cut from 191 to 139 (5’9” F). I’m up to around 145 now just from doing group fitness classes at the gym that focus on strength training. The real weight lifting part of the gym scares me.

How did your calories change after you cut to begin gaining muscle? I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing and everywhere I read it says something different. Some say you can gain in a calorie deficit, some say you can’t. I’m eating almost 1600/day now trying to get at least 100g protein a day but really aiming for 130 or so. While cutting I ate closer to 1300 for the most part.

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