F.B.I. Arrests Wife of Killer in Orlando Mass Shooting

I went to a party of textbook liberal elitists in Chicago over NYE. While attending, I heard all the typical liberal talking points proudly on disply by the virtue signaling leftists in attendance.

After a couple drinks, I decided to start fucking with them. Someone mentioned how Trump hates gays (even though he totally doesn't, but it was a convenient hurr durr Drumpf LOL moment for them), and then followed it up by bashing Christians. I took this opportunity to say something to the effect of "Well, at least the Christians I know aren't throwing gay people off rooftops for being gay." I was met with a barrage of eye rolls, heavy exhales, and a few muffled voices saying "fake news". It was unreal. Here you have people completely disavowing that muslims are violently throwing gays and off towers to their deaths, despite the video evidence of it happening, all while saying shit like "Trump will throw gays into internment camps!" and being serious about it.

The lesson learned was that liberal elitists live in the loudest echo chambers they can find. Facts don't matter. Logic doesn't matter. Only feels matter. Feels for certain people, of course, because to SJWs, everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com